《殊途同归》Accused 2023-4-25 5
S01E01 校园枪击手的母亲:
Did you take Devlin upstate to kill him? I wish you'd done it.(无奈的现实,无奈的父母)
S01E02 surrogacy 代孕妈妈:
You have to consider the child for who they are not what you expect them to be.(母性血连,代孕妈妈的心理问题没有受到应有重视)
S01E03 死亡围观者 Death Tourist: You get off on it, from house to house watching people to die.(直觉被认定为精神病,这一集可能最惊悚反转的一集)
S02E04 被性侵儿童的父亲: My father showed up for me.(以暴易暴不是解决问题的方法)
S01E05 出柜(come out)之前双面人:I don't let my body rule my mind. I am in control.
Cowardice isn't kind. Facts are facts.(与人相关则容易陷入是非)
S01E07 被灰色强奸(me too)的脱口秀人:If it couldn't be me, I'm glad it's you. One in three women are subjected to sexual violence. In vino Veritas 酒后吐真言(事实越抹越黑,事越闹越大)
S01E08 被网络攻击的老师:Truth, for Plato, is absolute. It's objective. Truth doesn't need us to believe it. It just is.(收养、校园枪击、网暴、禁枪,很有概括性,女教授的强势害了自己一家)
S01E09 堕胎风波:We're their teacher, not their friends, there's a line. It is not just about Anti-abortion, it's about who I am.
Something break and are meant to stay broken.(堕胎风波与师生恋嫌疑,有时候插不插手都是矛盾)
S01E10 种族冲突:It's our land. (坏人利用你们的仇恨)
S01E11 残障人士的权利:The truth is we were scared. 日语 Okasan 妈妈,Ojisan 叔叔
S01E12 离婚老师:It feels like two adults figuring it out. (不着手段,不放弃终究万劫不复)